Home / IoT connectivity overview / AddSecure Link Go

Take the first easy step

Do you need to connect a limited number of remote devices through the mobile network but are worried about security, cost, and time-consuming administration?

Wired connections

AddSecure Link Go is a secure solution for when you want a quick and easy way to connect devices and systems, and only need a limited number of SIM-cards.

Link Go has the same benefits as AddSecure Link and is the first step to take to connect IoT devices within Europe. Suitable for all types of communications where there is a need to monitor, control, regulate, measure and send alarms.

Get started quickly

Our plug-and-play solution is perfect when you want to get started quickly.

Link Go always uses fixed IP addresses over 2G, 3G and 4G mobile networks. Subscriptions are available in sizes from 50 MB up to 100 GB data per month.

The roaming function uses several operators’ mobile networks to provide excellent geographical coverage, providing you with a stable communications link.

Link Go is built on an advanced IT platform that checks that only authorized senders can reach addressed devices. It is commonly used for access control systems, alarm systems, elevator control systems, cameras and other remote management and monitoring systems.

Plug-and-play solution

Suitable for up to 20 connected IoT units

No self-administration requiered

All administration and configuration is done by AddSecure


Available in sizes from 50 MB up to 100 GB data

Secure connections

Fixed IP addresses invisible and with no leaks

Remote access

VPN and three VPN user accesses are included in the subscription

Great coverage

Roamed SIM cards that use at least two mobile operators per country in Europe

Shutdown of the 2G and 3G network

The 2G and 3G networks across Europe are being shut down and replaced by 4G and 5G. Secure your communications in time and make sure your security and alarms systems will keep functioning.

AddSecure Link Go consists of secure, encrypted connectivity and any number of secure SIM cards. A robust, reliable and pre-configured router can be ordered as an option. Link Go is easy to deploy and is delivered as a pre-activated SIM-cards and VPN-accesses. Perfect for the quick creation of a secure connection between local devices and centrally installed systems.

Full control and scalable

Link Go can easily be upgraded to AddSecure Link to get all the advanced features and self-administration available through Link Manager.

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