Affärsverken and AddSecure develop unique solution for Smart Grids
AddSecure and Affärsverken in Karlskrona Elnät AB has developed a solution that will optimize electrical power systems.
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AddSecure and Affärsverken in Karlskrona Elnät AB has developed a solution that will optimize electrical power systems.
A smart city is a city enhanced by sensors, data collection, artificial intelligence and inter-connectivity to manage almost every single part of it more efficiently. Essentially, it’s when the whole…
IoT & se..In the past hackers were limited to attacking computers in homes and offices but with the amazing number of devices being routinely connected to the internet, new opportunities are opening up for the individuals that use IoT for darker purposes. The future is dependent on averting attacks There are a number of current examples of […]
The rebranding strengthens AddSecure’s IoT solutions for critical infrastructure and will benefit customers across Europe.
AddSecureCustomers across Europe will benefit from a broader offering of telematics, location tracking, and fleet management solutions, whilst AddSecure strengthens its position as a leading European IoT provider. AddSecure, a leading European provider of secure IoT connectivity solutions with a focus on secure critical communications and secure data, today announced the acquisition of LOSTnFOUND, a Swiss-based […]