Search results for "AddSecure Link"
Everything you need to know about ADAS and DMS technology
AddSecureIntroduction In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Driver Monitoring Systems (DMS) are the future of fleet safety solutions. With their ability to enhance safety, improve driving experiences, and pave the way for autonomous driving, understanding everything you need to know about ADAS and DMS technology is crucial. In this […]
IRIS-4 50
Terminale di trasmissione Allarmi compatto con vettore di comunicazione su rete cellulare mobile.
IRIS-4 50 – a small and flexible alarm transmitter
The IRIS-4 50 is a compact, single-path cellular, alarm transmission terminal. 4G based, the IRIS-4 50 is the ideal solution for current cellular network, migrations, and transformations.