AddSecure Remote Tacho Download
Integrated Remote Tacho Download.

Maximise fleet productivity and ensure tacho compliance with AddSecure’s integrated remote tacho download solution. The web-based module enables you to work smarter with automated downloads and real-time tacho data.
Work smarter with the ability to schedule automated remote downloads of your vehicles’ and drivers’ tacho files from anywhere in the world and keep your vehicles where they should be – on the road. Get live visibility of the real time tacho status of all drivers, receive any upcoming driving infringement warnings and view your drivers with the least or most remaining driving hours, for stress free job allocation.
Know who is driving your vehicles with one click of a button. Driver Identification provides real-time information on who is driving which vehicle and their current tacho status. Utilise Driver ID to encourage and coach your team on individual performance goals through historical reporting.
Key features
CANbus remote download of VU and DC tacho files
Centralised and scheduled download control
Supported by all major EU Tachograph Analysis Providers
Fully Integrated Telematics Platform
Dallas key, or Bluetooth fobs available
Wifi enabled