If you have a large number of connected devices, a centralised system where you have an overview and total control of all your devices can make the day-to-day management much simpler and secure. With the AddSecure Link IoT connectivity solution, it is easy to scale up or down, and you can administer it yourself. Therefore, […]
Although the IoT works all around us every day, some may not know where its presence can be seen or even what it is. Here, we will define the IoT, what it does, and why it is a significant player in the future of society. What is the Internet of Things (IoT)? The best way […]
The colorful boxes, representing the Agenda’s 17 development goals, pop up in conferences, in offices, on the lapel of suits, in company reports, on websites, signaling “we’re on the case”. But are we really? Sustainability used to be about the economy, the environment, the people, and how to make these three dimensions align. It has […]
Sten Olsson, Chief Business Development Officer, AddSecure, believes that society must take greater responsibility for updating outdated communications systems and connected devices. Furthermore, without immediate action, many crucial communications systems will become redundant. Here, we talk with Sten about the upcoming challenges during this sunsetting phase of the telecom networks, and how organizations should prepare: […]
The development of IoT marks an important shift in technological developments, and is often referred to as the precursor to the next Industrial Revolution, often called “Industry 4.0”. This is because technology opens up smarter devices, improved communication, and increased automation. The technology affects important projects and shapes how “smart cities” and critical infrastructure are […]
As society has developed a liking for quick and simple processes, automation has also become a key feature in our digital activity and devices. For example, to save you time at the checkout your device will automatically complete your delivery details, email address, credit card information, and other personal data such as passwords. We all […]
There are various reasons and needs why you want to protect your IoT solution. Whether it is preventing hackers from manipulating data or to protect your devices from being part of DDoS attacks, securing your solution is still essential. Increase the security level of your solutions with these 5 tips: 1. Use communications that are […]
1. Tie all functions to the occupants If a building’s large enough, there’s going to be lots of times that only part of it is in use. While many new buildings have ways to automatically reduce ventilation, lights or heating when they stand empty, an important next step is to tie these functions directly to […]