In recent years, the regulations surrounding driver behaviour have become more rigorous than ever before. This increased rigour has not made the regulations any easier to understand. As you’ll find when you check out the European Tachograph rules, they can be pretty complex.
Why do I need a Remote Tachograph Download solution? Of course, non-compliance isn’t, and never has been, an option. Across Europe, Transport managers have long faced the struggle of working out complex drivers’ hours to ensure compliance. Often, they have had to take a ‘best guess’ approach to assess a driver’s driving and working hours and to forward plan their daily and weekly transport schedules.
However, there’s more to Tachograph use than simply remaining compliant. By analysing the data from your fleet’s tachographs, you can manage and improve driver behaviour, guiding them towards more economical and safer driving habits. It will also help you to
- save fuel
- reduce environmental impact
- haulage insurance costs
- improve your public image.
The answer for many fleets is the AddSecure integrated Remote Tachograph Download solution. This ensures your fleet remains both compliant and fully optimised at all times. This is a platform that uses real-time tachograph data to eliminate tachograph infringements and maximise fleet productivity.
What is Remote Tachograph Management?
Remote Tachograph Management is the process of measuring and monitoring how your drivers are performing in their day-to-day driving and work duties. Tachograph analysis provides your transport manager with detailed reports, highlighting areas for attention. By recording speed and distance, the tachograph provides an accurate picture of driver activities, including whether they have been breaking the law. Since 2006, all vehicles over 3.5 tonnes sold in the UK have been required by law to be fitted with a digital tachograph.
As a fleet operator, you’re bound by law to ensure that you have the means to analyse driver data from both your Tachograph Vehicle Unit and the Driver Card.
How do I store and analyse tachograph files?
With AddSecure’s Remote Tachograph Download solution, the process of storing and analysing data couldn’t be simpler.
The platform enables your fleet manager to schedule automated remote downloads of your vehicles’ and drivers’ tacho files without having to leave their desks. It automatically alerts them to any compliance infringements, clearly identifying the exact piece of the legislation that has been infringed.
Within seconds, your tachograph analysis will be complete. You’ll be fully compliant and fully aware of any Drivers’ Hours or Working Time Directive infringements.
As for storing your data, European Driver’s Hours and tachograph regulations demand that you keep your tachograph records for a year, although Working Time Directive rules require the records to be kept for up to two years.
How to remain compliant with the regulations of tachograph data
Remaining compliant with tachograph regulations requires certain obligations from your drivers. They need to
- check that their tachograph doesn’t need a recalibration
- ensure there are sufficient supplies of print roll on their vehicle after inserting the driver card, plus complete any data entry manual records in UTC and confirm the start location as instructed by the equipment
- ensure the mode switch is set correctly throughout their shift
- tell their fleet manager if the tachograph is faulty or if they’re unsure how to use it properly
- make a printout and provide written manual entries if it’s impossible for them to use their card, the rules have been broken due to an emergency, or an enforcement officer requests it (they may also be asked to sign that it’s a true record)
- be able to produce the relevant records at the roadside
- allow your fleet manager to download data from their card
5 ways to handle data from your tachographs
Once you’ve installed your AddSecure Remote Tachograph Download solution, you’ll then need to ensure you make the most of the data you download from your tachograph. There are 5 key points to remember.
1. Ensure drivers are aware of their responsibilities
2. Establish a training plan
3. Take steps to ensure data is protected
4. Schedule downloads – never miss a deadline
5. Automated analysis
The AddSecure Remote Tachograph Download solution – get your FREE demo today!
To remain compliant with DVSA regulations, you can set up automated downloads of your Vehicle Unit, and Driver Card files direct to your tachograph analysis provider. The system is fully integrated and supported by all major Tachograph Analysis providers across Europe.
Contact us today!