When they were first developed, Vehicle Camera Systems were not viewed as an aid to improving road safety. The inventors saw them primarily as a driving aid. History shows us that the very first camera system was installed in the 1956 Buick Centurion concept car. Unveiled at the General Motors Motorama in January 1956, this was the first vehicle to feature a reverse camera. It allowed the driver to gain a rearview without having to turn round or even use mirrors.
How times have changed. Today, Vehicle Camera Systems are seen as bringing numerous benefits –
- Fewer insurance claims leading to a reduction in insurance costs
- Faster resolution of insurance claims
- Enhanced protection and security of loads
- Reduced driver incidents
- Improved driver behaviour
The last two of these lead to improved road safety – both in terms of saved lives and fewer injuries, for drivers and other road users.
The Covid 19 pandemic has made its own impact on driver behaviour. Empty roads resulted in a dramatic spike in speeding violations (according to the UK Department of Transport, during the lockdown, 56% of cars exceeded the speed limit on 30mph roads and 53% on motorways). The consequence? More accidents, more injuries, more deaths.
Is it any surprise that fleet managers are increasingly exploring Multi-Camera Solution Options, as a means to improving the overall safety of their fleets and drivers?
How different camera types improve road safety
Improved driver behaviour
The latest Vehicle Camera Systems, such as the AddSecure Roadview camera comprise a built-in accelerometer and g-sensor, including GPS tracking and motion detection. These systems enable the detection of many types of safety-related incidents, such as excessively sharp braking or turning, and collisions. The systems automatically upload footage from before and after the incident to enable early viewing.
Supporting driver training
Your trainers will be able to use camera footage to show the driver exactly where he’s going wrong and why and how to avoid a recurrence.
Internal cameras within the cab
New ADAS and DMS technology identifies potentially dangerous driving habits, such as using a phone while in control of the vehicle, lane crossing without indication, or driving too close to the vehicle in front. Simply being aware that their vehicle is equipped with this kind of technology will inspire your drivers to take extra care.
External cameras – making driving easier … and safer
By installing an up-to-date external camera system, you’ll almost completely eliminate driving blind spots. Your drivers will achieve enhanced all-round visibility, giving them the confidence to carry out their manoeuvres easily and safely.
Vehicle Camera Systems – part of an overall road safety strategy
Vehicle Camera Systems come with numerous benefits and provide your fleet managers with a useful tool that will be a key element of your commitment to road safety.
There’s no doubt that Vehicle Camera Systems are here to stay. As Europe’s leading provider of cloud-based video telematics, we are constantly pushing innovative boundaries. With our integrated systems, you will protect your fleet against false claims, lower your insurance costs, decrease incident rates, and improve driving behaviours. But most important of all, a multi-camera Vehicle Camera System will massively increase road safety for all.
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