Great CO2-Savings in the AddSecure eco driving challenge
The summer has arrived and with that holiday traffic and high fuel prices! So it is great to see that many of the competing companies are performing very well and the average eco-driving index is on top level for this year. In the AddSecure Eco-Driving Challenge, it is possible to win any of the following competitions:
- Highest average Eco-Driving Index during quarter 4
- Best improvement of the Eco-Driving Index during the year
- Best Eco-Momentum during the year (equals highest reduction of CO2)
In this update, we want to direct a special congratulation to the leaders in each class! See below the global top-lists and further down the leaders in each class.
Top-list eco-momentum (companies with the best improvement in June* No of drivers)
- Ghestem
- Intercargo Scandinavia A/S
- Alex Andersen
- Powder-Trans
- VJ Transport
- Remiks
- Thygesen Transport
- AB Catering Aalborg
- Road Cargo
Top-list eco-driving Index (companies with highest average eco-driving index during June)
- Ahola
- Hagéns Åkeri AB
- Intercargo Scandinavia A/S
- Isaksson Karlsson
- RL-Trans
- Isaksson Karlsson
- Götene Kyltransporter
- Forslunds Bulktransporter
- Road Cargo
- EB Logistik
See below the leaders in each country based on highest eco-driving index and best improvement June compared with May.
Read more about our solutions for driver performance and eco driving!