When it comes to keeping track of the assets, too many businesses are complacent. Having a clear picture of the location, movement, time at a certain place and condition of your assets is a vital aspect of profitability. Those businesses who check their assets manually without using a GPS tracking system are wasting a huge amount of resource – both time and money. Furthermore, their assessment of their assets will be subject to human error, making them almost certainly unreliable and inaccurate.
In this article, we’ll explore how investing in platforms such as AddSecure’s GPS Tracking technology can contribute so dramatically to the security of your organisation’s assets, as well as optimising profitability and bringing peace of mind.
Two types of Asset Tracking
There are essentially two types of Asset Tracking – passive and active.
Passive trackers simply store data, like temperature and Asset-ID, and send it to any nearby compatible unit that passes by. These are often used for assets such as
- Industrial and commercial skips
- Tools and equipment
- Trailers
- Waste containers
- Generators
- Less valuable assets
Passive trackers often use Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology to operate. These trackers work usually within a restricted range of around 50 metres. They require relatively little power and are therefore cheaper to run. Small and easy to install, passive trackers are compatible with any device that uses Bluetooth.
Active trackers, such as those provided by AddSecure, deliver a real-time view of your asset’s location. These are powered by GPS.
What is GPS tracking?
A GPS tracking device is a portable unit that enables you to monitor and track the location and trip history of your assets. This will often be your vehicles – your cabs or trailers – but can equally be plant or machinery.
The GPS tracker then broadcasts its data digitally to a mobile device or computer.
How do GPS trackers work?
GPS trackers determine the location of your asset by connecting to a series of satellites. They use a process called trilateration which uses the position of three or more satellites from the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). This enables them to identify your asset’s longitude, latitude and elevation. These powerful GPS tracker systems make use of their own Sim cards, modems and built-in batteries.
7 ways to benefit from asset location tracking
1. Trailer Tracking
When trailers are ‘lost’ or misplaced, it can take many days, weeks, or even months before they are recovered. With AddSecure’s advanced GPS asset tracking, you’ll be able to monitor not only your trailer’s location, but also other data, such as internal temperature readings and door opening events.
2. 24/7 cab and trailer theft protection
Whatever time of day or night, whatever their location, your vehicles will be secure against theft. If they are moved out of hours from their pre-defined area, then you’ll receive instant notification. You can also configure the integrated trailer door opening sensors to send alerts only when the doors are opened outside of your pre-determined ‘safe zones.’
3. Save time locating assets
Asset location tracking saves time in locating assets, enabling your people to quickly access what they need when they need it. This might be valuable machinery, plant, stock, raw materials, trailers, cabs or vans. This keeps your people and processes efficient and productive.
4. Record the time automatically
In many situations, it is useful to know how long a tracking unit has been at a certain position. It may be for start-and-stop purposes during a route, but it can also be useful for field workers to record how long they have stayed at a certain place. The data can then be used to calculate working hours and invoicing. Other examples include rental equipment where the GPS-data can be used to calculate operating hours and running times.
5. Reduce damage, loss, and wastage of RTIs
Returnable Transport Items (RTIs) include industrial and commercial skips and other waste containers, such as those used in the construction industry. These are particularly vulnerable to loss and damage. Although some of these might individually be of relatively little value, if your staff, suppliers or customers are careless with them, the costs of repair or replacement can quickly add up. If they know that these assets are tracked, they’re more likely to take responsibility for their care.
6. Maximum asset utilisation
By using GPS trackers to monitor the location of certain types of asset, such as tools or Manual Handling Equipment (MHE), you can adjust your processes or layout to make you more productive. You’ll be able to identify potentially inefficient patterns of use. For example, your GPS tracking might identify that MHEs, such as forklifts, are not best placed at the start of the working day for the jobs they need to do. By resolving this issue, you could save countless person-hours annually.
7. Maximising customer service levels
With live location GPS asset tracking, you can deliver a world-class proactive customer experience. You can configure the system to enable you and your customer to receive accurate automated arrival times for collections and deliveries. The result? Customer satisfaction and faster trailer turnaround times.
Asset tracking management – reduce costs, improve your bottom line
The more data you have about the location, availability and usage of your organisation’s assets, the more control you will have and the more efficient you will be. By using AddSecure’s GPS automatic tracking technology, you’ll significantly reduce the time needed to collect and process your data.
With better visibility, you’ll prevent loss and damage to your organisation’s assets, improve utilisation and make an almost incalculable improvement to your all-round profitability.
Find out more about how you can save time and money with asset tracking and get in touch today!