In this article, we'll look at the features and benefits of modern temperature control technology, specifically the role played by temperature sensors in vehicles.
In this article, we're going to look at the concept of cold chain fleet management. We'll look at the features of modern-day temperature control technology and why it matters.
The fact that our cities are becoming smarter, characterized by the Internet of Things (IoT) and digitalization, is essential for the development of society.
Fleet management has existed as an element of human behaviour since the invention of the wheel. Telematics, for not quite as long! In this article, we’re going to explore the definition of telematics. Then we’ll look in some depth at the principles of fleet management and explore the vital role played in its function by telematics technology.
In this article, we’re going to look at CAN bus systems and the vital part they have to play in the fleet management process – specifically in gathering asset tracking and tachograph data for transmission to the central server.
Do you manage a large fleet of HGVs or a smaller fleet of sales vans or vehicles?
In this article you will find out everything you need to know about asset tracking. It’s a common mistake that many businesses make to think of assets only in terms of cash in the bank and bricks and mortar. Your true assets are all of those tangible, physical items that your business owns (plus intellectual property, contracts, software and goodwill).
GPS asset tracking is a proven technology that is growing in sophistication almost year on year. In its early stages of development, whether it was for tracking a vehicle, a piece of machinery or a computer, an asset tracking system could only monitor location. However, in recent years, asset tracking technology can do so much more to protect your business.